Day 43 - Wednesday 21 June 2017
Torquay to Teignmouth (14 miles)
I tell you what we were getting some cracking weather in Devon - another scorcher as we left Torquay. As you can imagine, bimbling through a busy Torquay with a big rucksack was a challenge. We were soon free of the hustle & bustle and headed along the coast via Hope's Nose to picturesque Babbacombe passing The Cary Arms which, unfortunately for us was shut.
At Oddicombe Beach we had a slight navigational mishap which was our own fault for not concentrating but we were soon back on track. It was very warm now and we were extremely glad of the welcome breeze we had at Petit Tor which thankfully stayed with us until we reached the shady glade at the Valley of Rocks. Emerging from the glade we stumbled upon Maidencombe and its wonderful pub, The Thatched Tavern - beer garden was delightful therefore enjoyed lunch and the obligatory Cider chaser.
Lunch over, it was really difficult to tear ourselves away from Maidencombe and we were straight into some pretty brutal ups and downs all the way to Labrador Bay. Came across a blocked section of the path at GR SX 93175 70057 - a group of fallen trees which took some clambering over with heavy packs - we reported the obstruction back to the SWCPA that evening. Near Shaldon Golf Course we spotted the familiar figure of David up ahead and we walked together to The Ness pub in the village - another chance to grab a cold beer before we made our way down to the beach and the ferry over to Teignmouth.
David had yet to arrange his accommodation for that night therefore we gave him the number of our B&B and he managed to sort himself a room. Our B&B was a short way out of town therefore we bought some nibbles from the shops in Teignmouth before walking the mile or so uphill to the Waterton and on arrival received a lovely welcome from John & Karen the owners. Spent a quiet night with a carpet picnic and having a bit of a kit & admin sort out.
At Oddicombe Beach we had a slight navigational mishap which was our own fault for not concentrating but we were soon back on track. It was very warm now and we were extremely glad of the welcome breeze we had at Petit Tor which thankfully stayed with us until we reached the shady glade at the Valley of Rocks. Emerging from the glade we stumbled upon Maidencombe and its wonderful pub, The Thatched Tavern - beer garden was delightful therefore enjoyed lunch and the obligatory Cider chaser.
Lunch over, it was really difficult to tear ourselves away from Maidencombe and we were straight into some pretty brutal ups and downs all the way to Labrador Bay. Came across a blocked section of the path at GR SX 93175 70057 - a group of fallen trees which took some clambering over with heavy packs - we reported the obstruction back to the SWCPA that evening. Near Shaldon Golf Course we spotted the familiar figure of David up ahead and we walked together to The Ness pub in the village - another chance to grab a cold beer before we made our way down to the beach and the ferry over to Teignmouth.
David had yet to arrange his accommodation for that night therefore we gave him the number of our B&B and he managed to sort himself a room. Our B&B was a short way out of town therefore we bought some nibbles from the shops in Teignmouth before walking the mile or so uphill to the Waterton and on arrival received a lovely welcome from John & Karen the owners. Spent a quiet night with a carpet picnic and having a bit of a kit & admin sort out.
Anstey's Cove
A nice grassy section as we approach the drop into Babbacombe
Fudge in contemplative mood at Babbacombe
It looks precarious here but it is quite safe as we head below the low cliffs at Babbacombe
Oddicombe Beach ahead
The Babbacombe Beach Railway - the SWCP passes underneath it
The lovely little clearing at Valley of Rocks
Helpful SWCP signs at Valley of Rocks - there were paths heading off in all directions
We were now on the John Musgreave Heritage Trail as we neared Maidencombe
Winner, winner, Chicken Dinner - a pub and it was an absolute cracker too
This did not touch the sides
After lunch and Cider it was time to start the set of steep ups & downs that greeted us all the way to Labrador Bay
Despite the heat and ascent/descent this was a lovely section of the path
This made for an interesting bit of climbing near Labrador Bay - we reported the blockage to the SWCPA
The last really tough climb of the day above Labrador Bay
Almost there - Fudge as usual is legging it everywhere
Looking down on Shaldon Golf Course with Teignmouth ahead
Teignmouth from The Ness across the mouth of the River Teign
With David at the Ferry Crossing point
A River Teign panoramic from Shaldon
It was a weird sight seeing a tanker leaving port
Fudge is getting impatient as David & I discuss the merits of tanker traffic in the River Teign
Ah at last - our lift across the Teign
Day 43 Data
Cumulative Mileage Time Cumulative Time Total Ascent Cumulative Ascent |
14 miles
539.5 miles 8hrs 30 mins 269 hrs 55 mins 3103 ft 125347 ft |