Bowness Knott, Brown How, Great Borne & Herdus - Monday 15 June 2020
Bowness Knott Car Park - Bowness Knott - Brown How - Rake Beck - Great Borne - Herdus - Bowness Knott Car Park
Bowness Knott Car Park (Free) - Grid Ref NY 1094 1541 (Nearest postcode is CA23 3AU).
4.5 miles
Good mountain paths although the path from Great Borne to Herdus is intermittent. The ascent via Rake Beck is steep for the most part and involves some mild scrambling. Descending from Herdus is on a steep path and in wet conditions care needs to be taken.
Warm and overcast with the odd sunny spell.
Time Taken
3hrs 30mins
Total Ascent
2011ft (613m)
OL4 - The English Lakes (North Western Area)
Dave, Angie & Fudge
Bowness Knott Car Park - Bowness Knott - Brown How - Rake Beck - Great Borne - Herdus - Bowness Knott Car Park
Bowness Knott Car Park (Free) - Grid Ref NY 1094 1541 (Nearest postcode is CA23 3AU).
4.5 miles
Good mountain paths although the path from Great Borne to Herdus is intermittent. The ascent via Rake Beck is steep for the most part and involves some mild scrambling. Descending from Herdus is on a steep path and in wet conditions care needs to be taken.
Warm and overcast with the odd sunny spell.
Time Taken
3hrs 30mins
Total Ascent
2011ft (613m)
OL4 - The English Lakes (North Western Area)
Dave, Angie & Fudge
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Route Map
Another birthday for me therefore what better way to spend it than a lovely walk up Great Borne with my two best friends. The walk started from the large Car Park at Bowness Knott on the shore of Ennerdale Water - we made the route up as we went along today.
The lovely view across Ennerdale Water to Revelin Crag on Crag Fell with Angler's Crag to the right
The first part of the walk involves ambling back down the road in the direction of Ennerdale Bridge. The huge bulk of Herdus provides the stunning backdrop.
As the road bends sharply to the left a stile on the right gives access to the open fell side at Grid Ref NY 110 159 and a path makes its way through the bracken. We were heading up past the lone tree ahead before branching off to the right to head for Bowness Knott.
Looking back along the road towards the Car Park at Bowness Knott with Angler's Crag & Crag Fell in full view across Ennerdale Water
As the path reaches a ridge line it heads to the right to begin the ascent of Bowness Knott
As height is gained, the view opens out over Ennerdale Water
Continuing the climb a fence comes into view which is crossed up ahead
The path to Bowness Knott is rough in places but is clearly evident on the ground
The summit of Bowness Knott looking to Crag Fell - walking a few yards further to the south gives even better views than this one
With Fudge on the summit of Bownes Knott - as you can see, I have just told him how old I am today
The view from the edge on the summit of Bowness Knott - Ennerdale Water was like a mill pond today. The fell to the left is Iron Crag with Lank Rigg just left of centre.
Looking back to the summit Of Bowness Knott from the edge with Great Borne now visible. Our route of ascent today would be via Rake Beck, the ravine of which can be seen just left of centre.
Looking across Ennerdale Water towards Bleach Green. The lake was pretty low today as can be seen by the two small islands peeping up above the waterline. The Coast to Coast route along the south shore can be seen snaking its way along the shoreline to the left.
The eastern end of Ennerdale Water with a murky looking Pillar, Black Crag, Steeple, Scoat Fell & Haycock visible on the horizon.
Brown How ahead as we make our way back down to the fence line from Bowness Knott
Whilst it would be most people's choice to make a beeline for the summit of Brown How from rejoining the fence line, the easiest route is to follow the fence east and make the ascent from better ground further up.
Looking back down the fence line from our route of ascent. Once past this gap the ground becomes easier to the left (right of pic) and the summit can be gained easily.
The rocky summit of Brown How
Bowness Knott from the summit of Brown How
From Brown How we headed down into a col to rejoin our original path coming in from the road
The Rake Beck route to Great Borne - from here it looks like an impossible task but as always there is a path
Just slightly off path is this unusual construction. It is a Fox Trap and was used by local farmers to do exactly that. A dead goose or something similar would be placed within thus luring the hungry Fox inside, however the hole was quite deep and meant the Fox could not escape.
A closer look at the Fox Trap
Continuing our ascent up the right hand side of the Rake Beck ravine
The going was a bit rough in places however Fudge with his 4-paw drive made light work of it.
Looking back down the Rake Beck path to Brown How & Bowness Knott. As you can see, Angie is without Rucksack today - only a short walk therefore the Birthday Boy carried our stuff.
Looking into Rake Beck as we near the top of the climb
A little more climbing and we popped out the top of the ravine - and what a view
Looking across to Herdus from the top of the ravine - first we were off to Great Borne
Bit of a breather for Fudge as we make our way via a rocky path to Great Borne
After a rocky transit here we are on the summit of Great Borne
The summit of Great Borne looking to the North Western Fells
I don't know - you can't take him anywhere - soft lad!
The wind shelter and Trig Point on the summit of Great Borne
From Great Borne we decided to make our return to the Car Park via Herdus. The path to the summit is over to the right.
The summit of Herdus
From the highest point on Herdus it is a lovely wander across the summit plateau
Ennerdale Water now back in view as we start the steep descent from Herdus
Continuing steeply down with Bowness Knott ahead
Almost down now as we near Rake Beck with Brown How now also in view. The route turns to the right at the clump of trees ahead.
Crossing Rake Beck as we near the road - the crossing point is just up by the top of the wall
A quick final swim and wash off for Fudge before we get back to the car
A final look at Herdus as we arrive back at the Car Park - now for some cake!