Pen y Garn - Monday 7 December 2015
The Arch - Coed y Cwn - Coed y Cueleth - Pen y Garn - Gelmast - The Arch
The Arch on the B4574 (Free) - Grid Ref SN766756. The nearest postcode is SY23 3JN
6.5 miles
Forest tracks and mountain paths
Overcast with sunny spells
Time Taken
2hrs 40mins
Total Ascent
1473ft (449m)
OS Explorer 213 - Aberystwyth & Cwm Rheidol
Dave, Angie & Fudge
The Arch - Coed y Cwn - Coed y Cueleth - Pen y Garn - Gelmast - The Arch
The Arch on the B4574 (Free) - Grid Ref SN766756. The nearest postcode is SY23 3JN
6.5 miles
Forest tracks and mountain paths
Overcast with sunny spells
Time Taken
2hrs 40mins
Total Ascent
1473ft (449m)
OS Explorer 213 - Aberystwyth & Cwm Rheidol
Dave, Angie & Fudge
GPX File
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Route Map
The walk starts from the free parking area at The Arch which is approximately 2 miles south east of Devil's Bridge on the B4574
The Arch..............
....... and here is why it was built
Fudge leads the way as we head along the forest track into Coed y Cwn
Whilst forest tracks may appear a bit of a dull trudge to some this one was actually very easy on the feet
Come on Fudge - let's crack on lad
Pen Corbed across Nant Rhuddnant
To the north of Pen y Garn's summit is a line of wind machines - a necessary evil but I wish they would put them out at sea instead of here.
The summit of Pen y Garn
The summit just about qualifies as a Nuttall as it is measured at 2005ft
The summit just about qualifies as a Nuttall as it is measured at 2005ft
From Pen y Garn it is a short hop over pathless ground to rejoin the forest track
The route heads along the forest track to turn left just before the woods of Rhos Nantperfedd
The good path continues as we head down along a farm access track towards Bryn y Gwydd
Just follow the flock as we head towards the farm at Gelmast