Rossett Pike, Allen Crags, Great End & Esk Pike - Thursday 28 March 2019
Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel (ODG) - Mickleden - Rossett Gill - Rossett Pike - Angle Tarn - Allen Crags - Esk Hause - Great End - Esk Hause - Esk Pike - Ore Gap - Angle Tarn - Rossett Gill - Mickleden - ODG
ODG Hotel, Langdale £3 (Pay in Hotel) - Grid Ref NY285060
11.8 miles
Mainly good paths throughout. Care needs to be taken on the higher part of Rossett Gill where we deviated away from the main path - minor scrambling. The area in and around Esk Hause can be confusing in mist.
A mixed weather day. Low cloud in the morning followed by blue skies in the afternoon.
Time Taken
8hrs 15mins
Total Ascent
3667ft (1118m)
OL6 - The English Lakes (South Western Area)
Dave, Angie & Fudge with Jessie
Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel (ODG) - Mickleden - Rossett Gill - Rossett Pike - Angle Tarn - Allen Crags - Esk Hause - Great End - Esk Hause - Esk Pike - Ore Gap - Angle Tarn - Rossett Gill - Mickleden - ODG
ODG Hotel, Langdale £3 (Pay in Hotel) - Grid Ref NY285060
11.8 miles
Mainly good paths throughout. Care needs to be taken on the higher part of Rossett Gill where we deviated away from the main path - minor scrambling. The area in and around Esk Hause can be confusing in mist.
A mixed weather day. Low cloud in the morning followed by blue skies in the afternoon.
Time Taken
8hrs 15mins
Total Ascent
3667ft (1118m)
OL6 - The English Lakes (South Western Area)
Dave, Angie & Fudge with Jessie
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Walk Description
Langdale has always been a favourite destination for us - it has so much to offer for the walker & mountaineer with lots of different routes with plenty of variety & appeal. Today we were joined by Jessie, a native of San Jose in California who was over here on holiday and who we had walked Bowfell with a few days before. The walk today would follow the path up through Mickleden to reach Rossett Pike - firstly via the Rossett Gill path before breaking off to scramble up alongside the ravine. In our opinion, this is a better route up than the flagged path and provides a bit of hand on rock without getting too technical. The intention then was to summit Allen Crags, Great End and Esk Pike to then drop down into Ore Gap below Bowfell. We would then join our outward route but would remain on the Rossett Gill path to then reach the valley floor and our outward path back to the ODG via Mickleden.
At the foot of the Rossett Gill path at the head of Mickleden is a path junction - today we were off to Esk Hause.
Leaving Mickleden to head up the Rossett Gill path - the Langdale Pikes provide the backdrop
We took a detour well off the main path to visit the Packwomans Grave. A small cairn and cross of stones pointing south east indicate the grave which contains the remains of a woman who used to call at Langdale farms with various items for sale. Her remains were found & buried here over 200 years ago. As Wainwright himself said "it has suffered little disturbance down the years, but because so many folk nowadays seem unable to leave things alone its precise location is not divulged here" (Rossett Pike 4).
I shall not divulge its location either.
I shall not divulge its location either.
An alternative way up to the top of Rossett Gill is via an enjoyable scramble which rejoins the main path at the col near Rossett Pike
Heading up the loose stone scramble - Fudge as usual is in sniff mode & leads the way
Looking back down the scramble ascent from near the junction with the main Rossett Gill path. In my opinion this is a far more enjoyable way up than the stepped path.
Another view of the scramble ascent from the junction with the Rossett Gill path
The western cairn on Rossett Pike - the summit of the fell
It is worth walking along the summit ridge of Rossett Pike to the eastern cairn for an excellent view of Mickleden, The Langdale Pikes & High Raise.
Angle Tarn - it has just dawned on Fudge that there is water to be swam in
Hanging Knotts on the northern end of Bowfell
The transit towards Allen Crags from Rossett Pike. The Langdale Pikes are to the left, Rossett Pike centre with Hanging Knotts to the right.
The summit of Allen Crags looking to Esk Pike, Ore Gap & Bowfell
Allen Crags looking to Great End & Ill Crag
Looking back to Allen Crags from just below Esk Hause near the cross shelter. The path coming in from the left is from Styhead & Sprinkling Tarn whilst the one to the right is the path coming up from Rossett Pike
Ill Crag from Esk Hause
Esk Hause looking to Esk Pike - we were off to Great End first
The summit of Great End looking to the north western cairn
As we had time to spare we headed over to the north western cairn of Great End across the summit plateau
A moody and misty looking Lingmell from Great End
Looking back to Great End's summit from the north western cairn
Looking to Ill Crag & Scafell Pike from Great End
Descending from Great End via the stony scree. The 2 people below are on the popular Scafell Pike path from/to Esk Hause.
The scree descent from Great End down to Esk Hause. If you want to avoid this then head south/south west from Great End's summit to reach the Scafell Pike path.
Calf Cove
Heading back to Esk Hause - our next goal of Esk Pike is to the right.
The start of the ascent from Esk Hause to Esk Pike with Great End to the rear
The ascent of Esk Pike should not be carried out without pausing often to look back at this view of Ill Crag & Great End
Great End, Esk Hause, Allen Crags & Glaramara
Approaching the summit of Esk Pike
The summit of Esk Pike
The summit of Esk Pike looking across Ore Gap to Bowfell North Top, Bowfell & Crinkle Crags
Esk Pike's summit looking to Scafell Pike
We had been to Bowfell a few days previous therefore the intention today was to drop into Ore Gap to then turn left back down to Angle Tarn.
Descending from Ore Gap to Angle Tarn - Allen Crags to the left with the long ridge of Glaramara behind. Skiddaw & Blencathra are in the far distance
Hanging Knotts from the path down to Angle Tarn
Rossett Pike, Angle Tarn & Hanging Knotts from the Ore Gap path junction
Rossett Pike
Descending the Rossett Gill path
Pike O'Stickle in the early evening sun
The path back to the ODG through Mickleden
And a very good evening to you too Herdy
Debrief in the Walkers Bar, ODG with Angie & Jessie - a great day out.